Weymouth Physiotherapy is a physiotherapy practice in Weymouth, Dorset,  set-up in August 2018 by local physiotherapist Carl Neal. Since then it has flourished.

It runs out of  Lynch Lane Offices in Weymouth in a large and bright room  which is well equipped with exercise equipment for all your rehab needs.  There is a friendly reception and plentiful free parking.

Following the lockdown due to the COVID-19 Pandemic we also offer a telehealth service remotely.  Many of patients really enjoyed the convenience and flexibility of this service and we have therefore decided to keep it a permanent fixture.

 Clinics run on Monday evenings,Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings.  Our teleheath service can accommodate early starts or late evenings to suit your needs.  Other times may be available on request.


At Weymouth Physiotherapy our first priority is to make sure your story is heard.  You will have the opportunity to talk to us even before you need to book.  We want to you to come to us confident that you have made the right decision.  Many people don't truly understand what physiotherapy is and and what it can do, so we give you the opportunity to ask questions at any time.

Initially, you will  have an hour long appointment to ensure we fully understand the problems you are having.  We pride ourselves on our ability to sit and listen to you.  Together, we will fully explore your symptoms, your fears and the impact your condition is having on you.  Then, we discuss your goals and your aspirations and match your treatment according to these.

We use a variety of assessment techniques to establish the root cause(s) to your pain.  We rarely need scans or x-rays and if we do we speak directly to your GP to arrange them.  Next, we discuss our findings with you in as simple a way as possible and then come up with a treatment plan with you.

You get full control of what your treatment looks like.  At the end of our assessment we will discuss with you the treatment options. We aim to use only treatments that have evidence behind them.  Ultimately though you choose what is right for you.  You make the decision based on the best guidance available.

We aim to get you better - whatever that looks like.  It might mean free from pain, it might mean being able to walk down the promenade, it might mean returning to your  favourite sport at full capacity.  For some it might mean being able to work the final few years before retirement, or simply being able to enjoy life more.  Whatever 'better' looks or sounds like for you we aim towards it.  That is our focus.  We also have a focus on not just getting you better but keeping you better.  We don't want you back with the same problem.  You'll be given the tools and advice so you don’t need to come back.

If this sounds like the approach for you then get in contact and we will book you appointment within the next week.  If you have any questions about what we do or concerns whether we can help you then we have two options for you:

Speak to a physio

This is for people who are not quite ready to go ahead and book an appointment with us right now. You may have some questions to ask so you can be be 100% sure we can help you. Click the link below and fill out the short form and we will either call or email you back with answers to your question depending on your preference.

Free Taster Session*

This is for people who are nervous or sceptical of physiotherapy. You may be unsure if it will help your specific problem or may have had a bad experience previously. If this sounds like you like you and you'd like to come down and see for yourself how Weymouth Physiotherapy can help apply for a discovery visit by clicking below


We see lots of different people from all walks of life with all sorts of problems.

Although we see all ages, our biggest client base are those in their 50's, 60's and older.  This is an important age for many.  It's a time when the kids are gone or are about to fly the roost.  A time where people are planning to (or have already) retired.   It's a time where perhaps with one eye on our parents, we start taking care of our health.  Most importantly, it's time to live again.

However all too often we hear of stories of pain and injury interfering with plans, hopes and dreams for this amazing period in life..  People, who with one eye on their health who have started to become more active but frustratingly have succumbed to injury.  People, who all of a sudden start to develop pain for no apparent reason.  Many of these are people who may have had pain for some time but are finding it increasingly hard to do the things they value and enjoy.

These are just some examples of the sort of patients Weymouth Physiotherapy commonly see.  Using our well proven strategies, we get people back to living again; playing with the grandchildren, walking our gorgeous coastline, or even just getting round the shops.  We reduce stiffness, we increase mobility, we improve confidence and self-belief.  We get people off the pain relief they hate taking, we stop the need for surgery and we get people better.

But you don't need to be above 50 - we also see many younger patients! Our treatment and aim is still the same - we get them back to their pastimes, get them back in work, free from pain and enjoying life.